Frequently asked questions

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FAQs, quick fixes, and official info on every feature.
Can't find your question here, try our support forums.

New Clients

Essential information for new clients.

We will be more than happy to discuss how Quizly can help your educational institution. Please visit our Start page to schedule a Zoom call.

Customer Support

Getting help and overcoming technical dificulties.

Technical support is available via email at Use email support to report technical dificulties or issues students or your IT staff may be experiencing, as well as to get any "how-to" advice.

Phone numbers varry by country and region. Please reffer to your welcome package to find the phone number you can use for technical support. 

Billing Matters

For questions or assistance regarding payments, invoices, and other billing matters please write to

For direct and wire transfer payments from within Canada in CAD, please follow these instructions.

For wire transfer payments initiated from the USA in USD, please follow these instructions.

For wire transfer payments in USD that are initiated from countries other than USA or Canada, please follow these instructions.

Credit card payments are possible for some invoices. If you invoice contains a credit card payment link, you are able to make a payment using a credit card.


We are continuously seeking to partner with vendors and organizations who have established relations and a proven track record in selling software solutions to educational institutions. Please contact us at to start a conversation.

Business Entity Information

Quizly is developed and sold by New Explorers Educational, INC.

New Explorers Educational, INC

#426, 230 1210 Summit Drive, Kamloops, V2C 6M1, BC, Canada

Business number: 765668827BC0001
PST: PST-1487-1923
GST: 765668827RT0001

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Drive Significant Impact with Quizly

If you care about your students' well-being, you'll prioritize their mental health—no matter the cost. See how your educational institution can start benefiting in just a couple of weeks.